
Showing posts from September, 2018

Non-Functional Invention


Homework #3

This was an interesting article. I liked when the interviewer asked John Hoke about where he sees the company going in the future. Hoke said that he wants his employees and designers to create new products that people look at as a necessity. He wants people to look at Nike products as something so important to them like a part of their bodies. Hoke also said in the interview that he sees his designers going more in depth with their inventions and thinking of every last detail so by the time it hits the consumer market it is perfect. That is amazing i think that is exactly what is needed when your designing a product and especially a company, every little thing matters.

Alien Abduciton


Homework #2

This video was really interesting to watch because he talked about how he designed the chair to fit the human body. He designed it to be able to be a comfortable chair for anyone regardless of their height or weight. The chair redistributes your weight so the chair is even and you don’t feel like you are sliding too much in one direction. It also has a retractable headrest that can be fit to wherever your head lies which I think makes it stand out from other chairs. Most chairs the headrest is adjustable where it goes up and down depending on your height but this one also moves forward or back for more comfort. I found it interesting that the designer actually started out wanting to be a jet pilot and went in an entirely different direction based on his ability to draw. He just made a snap decision to change his direction and it actually worked out really well for him.

Photoshop Sunset


Photoshop Day 1


Homework #1

When creating things like company logos or advertisements it is important to choose something that is simple and eye-catching while at the same time not being too distracting. When a company launches a logo the original design is usually the best one because it fits all of those criteria. When the company tries to change the design hoping to get people talking about the company, sometimes it doesn’t go as planned. The article referenced two companies who did not succeed in revamping their logos into something better and ended up back with their original idea. When I read this article I immediately thought about how certain companies are changing their logos. They aren’t usually big changes that these logos are making, its usually just that they take the words out of the logos. For example, Starbucks had a logo that consisted of the picture o the woman with the words Starbucks Coffee around it. Now it’s just the picture of the woman zoomed in a little bit more and the words were taken a