Homework #1

When creating things like company logos or advertisements it is important to choose something that is simple and eye-catching while at the same time not being too distracting. When a company launches a logo the original design is usually the best one because it fits all of those criteria. When the company tries to change the design hoping to get people talking about the company, sometimes it doesn’t go as planned. The article referenced two companies who did not succeed in revamping their logos into something better and ended up back with their original idea. When I read this article I immediately thought about how certain companies are changing their logos. They aren’t usually big changes that these logos are making, its usually just that they take the words out of the logos. For example, Starbucks had a logo that consisted of the picture o the woman with the words Starbucks Coffee around it. Now it’s just the picture of the woman zoomed in a little bit more and the words were taken away. It’s interesting how they took the words away and called it a new design. I think that by doing this it makes the design less busy because there is less to look at but I feel like it could also be confusing. For someone who is unfamiliar with Starbucks all they would see is a picture of a woman zoomed in and not know that this was advertising for a coffee place.


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