Movie Poster Plot

Movie opens on a normal high school with normal students where nothing out of the ordinary happens. Everything changes one night when a UFO lands in the middle of an open field with no one around to see it. On board of this UFO is one alien who is adamant about taking over Earth. He makes a plan that try and possess the mayor of the town and start there, but that is proving to be a little more difficult than he anticipated. While attempting to possess the mayor, the alien sees a picture of his daughter and thinks that she will be an easier target. He is right. He successfully possesses the mayor's daughter Sarah hoping that this will be the first step in taking over the world. That is until he has to go to school the next day. He ends up going through all the trials and tribulations of being a teenage girl. He deals with homework, boys, friends, sports and PUBERTY. He takes control of her body for 6 months. In this time period, Sarah's best friend, Katie becomes suspicious and starts to investigate why she has been acting so weird lately. She ropes in Sarah's boyfriend Matt to help her. The two of them figure out that Sarah isn't really Sarah and together they try to stop whoever is inside their friend. In the end they are successful and the alien ends up leaving Sarah's body. Not because her friends were scary and threatening enough to get the alien to leave, but because he was tired of all of her teenage problems. He ultimately decided that if this was the path to taking over the world then he was just going to do something else, being a teenage girl is hard work.

Title: Teenage Takeover

Tagline: Taking over the world is hard, but try doing from a teenaged girl's body.


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