
Mission Statement for Final Project

Mission Statement for Excelsior Comics Our mission is to provide quality comic books and graphic novels enjoyable for all ages. We hope that in this digital age there are still some people who appreciate having a physical book in their hands. We want to reach the people who feel forgotten, oppressed, depressed or all alone and remind them that they are wrong. These are the types of people who feel empowered while holding a comic book. They feel that if they emulate their favorite superheroes they will be just as strong as they are. We want this to be a place where people from all over and people of all ages come to feel safe and accepted. We want this to be a place where your favorite fandoms and your favorite superheroes come to life.

Homework #7

I think that changing the logos on company merchandise to lower the economic impact is great idea. It also makes a lot more sense to me of why companies started to change their logo, not drastically but enough that you took notice. It is amazing to me that for Starbucks, just thinning out the lines and using less color that it changed the logo so much and saved them so much ink. I didn't know that ink cost that much money and we used that much ink per project. It is really going to make me think differently about the things that I print from now on.

Face Drawing


Homework #6

Branding is a very important part of selling anything, no matter what it is. Branding is what makes us look at it, it's the colorful packaging or funky text. It's the thing on the package that makes a person do a double-take. Reading this article really surprised me and at the same time it didn't. It surprised me that they were actually able to pull this off so well. It seemed like they had put a lot of thought into especially in specific places. The part that didn't surprise me as much was also that it worked. When I go shopping and I'm picking something out I'm not usually looking for what is the cheapest or what is going to work the best, I'm looking for something that stands out. This is what the scammers in this article were counting on when they started that. They expected people to look at the package and see that not only did it look professionally made but it also stood out and buy it based solely on faith in that.

Movie Poster


Movie Poster Plot

Movie opens on a normal high school with normal students where nothing out of the ordinary happens. Everything changes one night when a UFO lands in the middle of an open field with no one around to see it. On board of this UFO is one alien who is adamant about taking over Earth. He makes a plan that try and possess the mayor of the town and start there, but that is proving to be a little more difficult than he anticipated. While attempting to possess the mayor, the alien sees a picture of his daughter and thinks that she will be an easier target. He is right. He successfully possesses the mayor's daughter Sarah hoping that this will be the first step in taking over the world. That is until he has to go to school the next day. He ends up going through all the trials and tribulations of being a teenage girl. He deals with homework, boys, friends, sports and PUBERTY. He takes control of her body for 6 months. In this time period, Sarah's best friend, Katie becomes suspicious and