Homework #6

Branding is a very important part of selling anything, no matter what it is. Branding is what makes us look at it, it's the colorful packaging or funky text. It's the thing on the package that makes a person do a double-take. Reading this article really surprised me and at the same time it didn't. It surprised me that they were actually able to pull this off so well. It seemed like they had put a lot of thought into especially in specific places. The part that didn't surprise me as much was also that it worked. When I go shopping and I'm picking something out I'm not usually looking for what is the cheapest or what is going to work the best, I'm looking for something that stands out. This is what the scammers in this article were counting on when they started that. They expected people to look at the package and see that not only did it look professionally made but it also stood out and buy it based solely on faith in that.


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