First Day Questions

  • My previous computer experience is limited. I have used a PC up until this past summer when I bought a MAC computer. I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint.
  • Throughout this class I hope to become comfortable with creating new things through photoshop which I have never used before.
  • When I hear visual studies I think about things that you create with the intention of having other people look at it. For example, paintings or sculptures that stand in a museum or a website that you visit everyday like facebook or twitter. These were websites designed to have people view them everyday. On the computer, using software like photoshop we have the capability of creating pictures that have not been seen before. 
  • I have never used Photoshop or Illustrator before.
  • I do have a family computer at home and it is at least 10 years old so I don't believe it has either Photoshop or Illustrator on it. 
  • I have both a MAC and a PC at home. I just recently bought my Mac since my PC is old but I still have it.
  • I am a Web Design Major.
  • With this major I don't really know what my future job aspirations are but I am excited to learn how to do animating and photoshop and basic design features that will help me in whatever I choose to do in the future.
  • I don't know enough about art to really say that I have a favorite artist. 
  • My favorite musician is Owl City. 
  • A fun fact about me is that I have a twin sister, so growing up was rather interesting because I always had this other person that kind of looks like me. 
  • Once upon a time there was a turtle. He had many friends including fish and otters. His friends thought he was so cool because he could walk on land and swim in the water. He liked hanging out in the water better because he could move faster there. While he was on land he moved very slowly. 


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