Homework #4

Children and teens all over the world look up to and idolize their favorite celebrities. I remember doing it while I was growing, my friends and I would go to a bookstore and gather up a bunch of magazines and just sit on the floor for hours reading them and seeing what our favorite celebrities are up to. It isn't a bad thing to look up to them as examples or role models, but it's unfortunate that children and teens are not getting an accurate picture of what it is like to be them. You look in a magazine or even watch a movie and think "wow, they are so beautiful", without knowing that that look probably took hours to perfect. By the time we see a picture in a magazine that isn't even our favorite celebrities anymore, it's only what they want us to see. Those photos have been altered countless times to make the final picture something that people will look at and adore. It's sad that this is what children are growing up to and comparing themselves to now because they will never be able to reach that level of perfection.


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